Friday, August 20, 2010

Plan A Mom, there is no Plan B

I had a conversation with K.S last night. There is no descriptive word before the word "conversation" because.. none exists. I can't say it was interesting, or informative, or funny, or sad, or serious.. I'm sure you catch my meaning. K.S should be graduating this year, and still could possibly... possibly...

So, I thought I would try to have a serious "son we need to talk about your future" kinda conversation with him.


In short, his life WILL go as follows .. no interruptions .. nothing to CHANGE ANYTHING at all. This is how he perceives his life to be in the next..5-6 years.

1st. He will be a professional skateboarder and make 100k a year.

2nd. He will take business management course in college (3 yrs).

3rd. 2-3 years after he graduates from college, with a degree in business management as well as being a professional skateboarder... he will DRESS NICE (he heavily emphasized this to me several times, I'm *assuming* it is a vital thing for this portion of his aspirations). . go into the bank, get a loan for 200-300 THOUSAND dollars.. buy some land, build his own skateshop, and walk around talking to customers all day.


I took a nice long look at this being that once housed himself inside of me.. wondering.. how did he get to be so simple.

So.. I did what any good mother would do. I said "THAT IS THE MOST RIDICULOUS THING I'VE HEARD".. I went on to explain that it's great to have dreams and all these aspirations, and do follow them through, but don't you think you should think about, I dunno, scholarships? possibly earning some money, again I reminded him many farmers around here pay good for people to help them. I tried to explain to him that you can't just graduate collage and within 2-3 years get a loan for a few hundred k...

I said "son, don't you think you should have a plan b? have you researched business management? do you know what you need to do to acquire the diploma? What kind of work are you looking to get into?

His reply summed it all up in 2 words.......... "anything skateboarding"


I tried again to approach the plan b idea..again he shot me down while heading up the stairs loudly expressing


He's never leaving home is he........

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Where we've been & what the hell we been up to..

Well, long time no write. Darlene here.. I don't even know where to begin. So, let's just get to the quick (or not so quick) update stuff.

Last we all heard from Jonna was pretty much her boasting about her FREAKIN baby momma .. and no.. she still hasn't gotten me 1 :(.

Well, I am happy to announce that after knowing Jonna online for several years, on the telephone for most of those. We finally got the chance to hang out and chat and have a great time!! How so you ask??? WELL.. as it turns out. Jonna's darling other half is a teacher here in Arizona. Neither Jonna nor I did very well in geography.. we had no clue where one place was from another. After said better 1/2 got them a house.. and Jonna got the ok from her Dr to move.. she FINALLY got to join her husband and journey on their new life together (is that too ..sappy?). ANYWAYS ON TO THE GOOD STUFF.. as it turned out they moved ONLY 40 MINS FROM ME!!!. It's been awesome. We get to bitch about men & kids online AND IN PERSON NOW!!! That his how much we love them.. even though we are enjoying our time together and having coffee.. they seem to be the center of our thoughts as well as conversation.

For the past few weeks Jonna has made me get out of bed at Christ's hour (5am) on a SATURDAY.. to go yard saling.. most times I love it.. other times I just get pissed off I put together this huge ass list of sales.. we go.. like 3 tables.. of clothes.. or shit that I have no idea what it is or what the pluck you do with it. once I thought I saw a vibrator... creepy.

Jonna had a whole house she had to furnish. There was no way for her to get all her stuff here and do so cost efficiently. So we had a great time bargaining.. we went to the GoodWill (umm perfect mommy.. you should prolly skip this entire entry). we got some amazing books and Goodwill was having a 50% off sale IT WAS HEAVENLY!!!

Then.. I dared to bring up the almighty.. lord of evil... brain surging... C.A.S.I.N.O. Would you believe she had me up at 5am and we were sitting at a slot machine pressing buttons like mad morons by 5:30 am.. some crazy stuff!! Had a blast! Plus, the casino was quiet.. still ppl there. . we pretty much had our choice of machines, the penny slots are my personal favorites and I managed to get Jonna hooked on those too :). I lost.. she won.. worked out great!

To our 6 followers, we are sorry we have neglected our blog. I managed to field 17 phone calls from the school in the first 10 days.. all having to do with........who else... K.S. Hitler has been sick 3 times with the same damn thing (wth?).. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever leave the house.

The teens became facebook freaks.. I have a great time threatening to delete their facebook accounts.. I have BusyBee convinced I have a key-logger on there and know her password as well as everything she types.. lotta confessions came flying out after I fed her that bit of information... thank God nothing serious.

So now the kids are in school. It's me/hitler/and obbie most of everyday. Yeah.. we got rid of the yorkie.. it just wasn't working out well.

Well.. I'm off. I promise more love and attention will come :)
