Monday, June 7, 2010

1's good... 2's better..

In the parent handbook in my mind, there is NO mention of the fact when that 13th birthday rolls around.. your kids... change.. I mean RIGHT ON the birthday.

My sweet busy busy but Emily.. turned 13 in May. SOMETHING in her body released an unstable amount of hormones and she's literally... boy crazy!

It being summer and all I allowed her to spend a few days with her best friend who lives in the subdivision we just moved from. Busybody aka Emily has known said friend since we moved to Arizona.. while there she managed to pick herself up a COUPLE of boyfriends whom we'll refer to as A1 and A2 since both their names start with "a" i wonder if this is and indication she just plans to go down the alphabet... 2 at a time maybe??

So, upon returning home from the 4 day stay with her bff.. she informs me of her bf's. BOTH.

It was, needless to say, an interesting conversation.

: so mom i got 2 boyfriends! (like jb and her cooking makes this sound like some sort of olympic sport she's practicing for)

Me: umm why 2? and do they know about each other?

BB: No, see A1 asked me out before and dumped me after 2 days. Then he asked me out again and dumped me after 3 days. So, I figure this time he'll dump me after 4 days... I'll have A2.

Me: ok, and what if they find out about each other?

Suddenly she gets this "hmm I never thought of that" look on her face.. and gives me the brilliant reply of..

BB: umm i dunno

Me: don't you think you should just pick one and keep him?

BB: maybe... but which one? I mean A1 and I make better friends and when we break up we'll still be friends. I reallly like A2.

Me: ok.. so dump A1 before he dumps ur arse

BB: ok! (so she hops on facebook to dump A1... ahh the internet is wonderful you don't have to face'm or look at them or listen to them as you end it... )

10 mins. later.

BB: OMG MOM A1 IS MAD AT ME NOW THANKS!!!!! OMG... stupid boys...

Me: he'll get over it

BB: I know he'll want me back in a few minutes (I'm givin that deer in the headlights look)

5 mins. later

BB: ok A1 and I are going back out, if A2 finds out...well he 2x's too so it's ok I do (yes teenage logic is so....awesome)

Me: Emily, no one needs to 2 b/f's or 2 husbands... 1 is good... sometimes that's too much

BB: (looks at me grinning) ya, but 2's better Mom!!!!!

So there you have it. I agree sometimes 2 of something is awesome.. like 2 bottles of wine! But, there are somethings a person should only have 1 of... definitely spouse falls in this category in my opinion... or b/f...

cept for BB.. cause 2's better